Core Values

We’re belongers, not just believers.

We don’t just invite others to attend with us, we invite them to belong with us. How we love and support one another is one of the most powerful expressions of God’s love; hence, we place extreme value on being a part of a Life Group at CLC! Genesis 2:18; John 13:34-35

We challenge people to take the next step.

Being a disciple of Jesus doesn’t have a finish line. Salvation isn’t the goal. The goal is becoming more like Jesus in every facet of our lives. From salvation, to baptism, to joining community, serving, and learning - we continually take the next step. Ephesians 3:17-19; Philippians 3:13-14

We’re a church that’s fun and full of life.

We’re on a mission, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the journey. There’s a reason Proverbs calls laughter medicine for our souls! Proverbs 17:22; John 15:11

We believe the home team is the first team.

Strong families make strong churches and strong churches change cities. If it doesn’t work in our homes, we shouldn’t export it. We place an emphasis on building strong marriages and strong families. 1 Timothy 3:4-5; 1 Timothy 5:8

We believe our church isn’t built upon the talents of the few but upon the sacrifice and obedience of the many.

Every believer has been given a gift to minister to others. Only when every disciple recognizes and steps into God’s unique calling for each of them will the Kingdom of Heaven fully express itself on earth. Genesis 11:5-6; 1 Corinthians 12:5-7

We believe God can redeem anyone at any time.

It’s never too late for anyone to become who God created them to be. We’re uncompromising in our standard of righteousness and unrelenting in our desire to see God redeem and restore everyone. John 8:1-11

We’re not just a church in the community. We’re a church for the community.

We weren’t just meant to be good Christians. We’re meant to be a mighty army, a force for good. We believe God has given us the C3 mission: Through every interaction, we seek to invade our Community, City, and County with the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 5:13-16; Ephesians 6:10-18

We courageously dream big and are willing to take God-sized risks.

We serve an all-powerful God with unlimited resources. The only thing that limits God is when His people live out of fear, ask too little, or dream too small. We don’t make decisions with our eyes on ourselves. We make decisions with our eyes on Him. Numbers 13:30-33

We wholeheartedly pursue His presence and His leading in everything we do!

All that we do at CLC comes out of the overflow of our abiding with Jesus. We value seeking Him through prayer, both corporately and individually. He’s the shepherd, we’re the sheep. Not the other way around. Matthew 22:37; John 15:1-10

We believe that making more disciples is the sacred responsibility of every disciple.

It is our privilege to co-labor with Jesus Christ! The calling and method may look different for each of us but making disciples is a clear command Jesus gives to every member of His church. Matthew 28:19; 1 Peter 2:9