Engage in Community


Connect to Life Groups

We were never meant to do life alone. Joining a Life Group allows you to link arms with other believers so that you can ask questions, grow in your faith, and when the hard times come you’ll have people to walk through them with you.

Connect to a Shepherding Elder

The shepherding elder team is currently being trained and will be ready soon.

They will come alongside you as you continue to grow in your relationship with Jesus. If you have questions, want to learn more, or need someone to pray for you, they can help!

Membership Class

Whether you’re new to the church or you’ve recently accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior OR you’ve done BOTH, this class was designed to help YOU take your NEXT STEP! In this class, we’ll discuss ways you can keep growing spiritually as well as different areas you can get better connected with others in CLC! This class is once a quarter, so once you sign up we will put you on the list and notify you before the next class.