Step In — Encounter — Prepare - You're invited to our virtual Pre-Service Prayer every Sunday at 10:15 AM. Step into God's presence, Encounter Him, and Prepare your heart for digital Celebration Service!
CHRISTIAN LIFE CHURCH GUESTS! We are glad if you are virtually joining us during this unprecedented time. Whether you are a first time guest, or you have been visiting Christian Life Church for awhile and want to know more about the church, you are invited to attend our VIP LUNCHEON with Pastor Joe and Debbie on Sunday, April 5th. here at the church after the morning service. Please RSVP by April 2nd by contacting us at 717-267-1280, online at or email
EASTER FLOWERS - If you’d like to purchase Easter flowers in memory or in honor of someone, please see the Info Center for more information and to sign up!
Keep Our Vision Growing! Help us pay off our church mortgage, for every $25 raised, we can color in a square on the board in the Lobby!
CAMERON’S KIDS FUND - In memory of Cameron Funk. Make a difference in the life of a child! Pledge cards are available in the Cameron’s Kids brochures at the Info Center. Donate online & setup recurring giving at Place pledges and donations in the offering plate. Mark your offering envelope & online giving “Cameron’s Kids Fund”. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Fidler.
CLC will receive cash back from all of your Amazon purchases when you order at and select Christian Life Church, Chambersburg.