Fragile- Handle With Care

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Read - Psalm 18

Ephesians 4:2 - With tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially toward those who may try your patience. (TPT)

Nothing delights me quite like waking up to a gentle spring rain!  Often, when my wife and I hear it might rain, we will keep our windows open, so we can hear the rain gently splash on the ground.  It is as if the rain is caressing the earth.  

Paul challenges us in Ephesians to demonstrate gentleness, especially toward those who try our patience. He also reminds us in Galatians 5 that gentleness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.  David writes, referring to God, in Psalm 18:35 “by stooping down in gentleness, You strengthened me.” (TPT)  Gentleness is one of God’s attributes. As sons and daughters, we have the opportunity to stoop down and strengthen Creation when we reflect His gentleness.    

Have you ever received a package that read on the outside “fragile-handle with care?”  When we receive a package marked with these words, we definitely treat it with some extra respect and  “gentleness”, more than we reserve for every package arriving at our doorstep. If you were a “package” right now, would you be marked  “fragile - handle with care?”  How many “packages” do you encounter daily that are marked ‘fragile-handle with care?”
We ALL have been impacted by the ongoing quarantine and uncertainty we are living through with no firm end in sight. The Covid-19 crisis does not show favoritism!  It does not matter your personality type, educational level, political bent, job status, physical health, or family dynamics. We each find ourselves a little more fragile than we were a month ago.

As a Jesus follower in this age of fragility, be intentional in extending gentleness to your family, your neighbors, your leaders and even those who may try your patience😣. If you need a reminder, take a few minutes to step outside - stand face up in the rain and allow the goodness of Abba’s gentleness to caress your spirit! By the way - be sure to take off your mask first🤣.

"Do everything with gentleness, with kindness, with reverence. That is how Grace moves; that is how Love dances." - Heather K, O’Hara