Jesus,You Are My Best Friend

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A few days ago I read a friend's status that said "God is more interested in doing something IN you than doing something FOR you." This hit like a ton of bricks. I felt dumb and in some odd way embarrassed. Lately, I had been praying for something that I really wanted. I realized that my prayers had become “God, I really want this” or “God, I ask that..” I had become so wrapped up in all my wants that I didn't talk to God anymore as my best friend. I mean God has the power and all the means necessary to give me everything that I ask for, but what good would it be if He gave me everything, and I never developed a relationship with Him or got to really know Him?

As I was pondering this, I thought of a little girl, 6 or 7 years old, who I babysat back in California. The girl's parents were rich, and they gave her all her heart's desires. She had all the toys in the world!! She went to the best school, wore the best clothes, ate the best things. I loved babysitting for them!! However, as time went by, the little girl and I really started to bond. I think that was when I realized that all the little girl wanted was to have someone to play with and talk to and laugh with and just love her. Although her parents gave her the world, they never gave her what she needed most which was their time and their love. I pray for her often, and I pray that she may be able to feel God's love and know that she is never alone.

I came to the conclusion that just like the little girl's parents, God can give me anything that I ask for, but He is more interested in having a relationship with me and showing me His love. I think the reason why God wasn't answering my prayers was that I was just asking Him for things and not spending any time getting to KNOW Him. I believe that when God truly becomes my best friend then I don't have to ask Him for much, because He will know me and give me the desires of my heart.

I've started to pray differently and really started to seek God's face and friendship, NOT his hand. And guess what? God gave me exactly what I wanted PLUS other things that I didn't even ask for but He knew that I wanted :) I guess some of the perks of being God's friend is that He knows what you want and can give it to you before you even ask.

Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4