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Read Psalm 68

Psalm 68:6a - God places the lonely in families;  He sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.

Are you lonely?  Have you ever felt orphaned?  We live in a world filled with lonely, orphaned people. God created us for relationship! Despite the many relationship books, relationship tools, and opportunities to connect, many are starving for genuine relationships.  

David writes that the Father “sets the lonely in families." Think about a time you have “set” or placed something.  Maybe a puzzle piece, a clock, the preferences on your electronic device, a coffee mug on a Keurig machine, a gift under a Christmas tree, a flower in a vase, a piece of wood on a fire, clay on a pottery wheel, etc... 

When we “set” or place something, there is an intentionality, a deliberateness, a purpose, design, precision, and possibly even change involved. Change in position, change in function, or change shape to name a few.  Now imagine God setting you in a family - biological or spiritual.  Do you think there may have been some intentionality and design involved? 

Have you ever felt misplaced?  Did you ever feel like a piece of pottery in a china shop, or maybe a dandelion in a rose garden? Honestly I have!  The loneliest times I experienced were not when I was alone, but those moments when I felt misplaced. Was I misplaced or was I just fighting His placement?  There were times He intended me to be a piece of pottery in a china shop, but I missed His intention😬 .

Pentecost involves restoration, reshaping, releasing, and family.  You were created to belong!  Those moments I have felt “lonely'' - like a piece of pottery in a china shop - I recognize my lack of belonging did not come from the “china,” but from my own insecurities and shame.  Most times, the “china” was longing to embrace me, but I kept it socially distanced 🤔.

Embrace God’s “placement” today!  If you have not accepted His placement, accept it today! If you feel like pottery in a china shop embrace it! Not many pieces of pottery have the opportunity to be in a china shop😉. If you are struggling with His placement know that there was intentionality and design involved when He placed you!  

“You received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children.” - Paul