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Read Genesis 1

Romans 8:11a - The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.

Let's start at the very beginning - A very good place to start - When you read you begin with A-B-C - When you sing, you begin with do-re-mi” - classic lyrics from a classic movie.  If you were starting to understand God’s heart, where would you start? May I suggest we start at the very beginning - God’s Story (the Bible) begins: “In the beginning, God”

In the beginning, God” - ordered - The earth was formless and chaotic. The Creator begins to bring order - separating light from darkness - positioning the heavens and the earth - developing an interdependent ecosystem.  As image-bearers (v. 26), we - His sons and daughters - are called to order. Ever wonder why Satan works so hard to keep us in a state of disorder?  What is your Creator asking you to put in order today?

In the beginning, God” - created - God created the universe to come into agreement with its Creator as He created. He did not just throw pixie dust in the air and end up with our universe - creation was not His biology lab filled with trial and error until He got creation just right. Creation had intentionality; creation had a purpose; creation created.  Paul writes in Romans 8:19, “Creation groans in anticipation of God’s sons and daughters being released.”  Why do we keep creation waiting?  Why do we keep our Creator waiting? He breathed His life-giving breath on us and His Life-Giving Spirit resides in us, His sons and daughters.

In the beginning, God” - spoke - Have you ever considered the power of your spoken words?  God created simply by speaking. When our Creator spoke, alignment occurred - a “culture of life” appeared, creation produced fruit.  As the apex of His creation, we have been given an assignment to speak alignment, life, and fruitfulness.  Amid the global events we are living through, creation desperately needs sons and daughters who will speak alignment, life and fruit!  Let's step up!

In the beginning, God” - rested - Creation was designed to work from rest, not to rest!  Western society tends to work to rest - we work for 30 or 40 years so we can retire and rest🤔. What a transactional view of our Creator and life😫! Adam’s rest came through a relationship with his Creator. When that relationship was broken, Adam lost his rest. Jesus through the Holy Spirit returns humanity to this rest when the relationship takes precedent over the transaction.  Are you at rest?

Can you see the “beginning’s” impact on Pentecost?

 “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King