Worrier to Warrior

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Read Judges 6-7.

Luke 24:59 - “I am going to send you what my Father has promised, but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” 

Let’s be honest - one thing that makes us human is our capacity to worry.  We human beings spend an inordinate amount of time trying to eliminate worry from our psyche. Have you lost any sleep recently?  Normally I sleep well, but when faced with situations I cannot control, worry sneaks up on me, robs me of my peace and sometimes my sleep😫.

Gideon worried about his enemies. Gideon worried he was not qualified to lead. (He did not have the correct last name.) Gideon worried God no longer cared about him. Gideon worried his ancestor’s stories of God’s supernatural acts were just fairy tales.  Gideon worried he could not hear God.  Any chance you see yourself in any of Gideon’s worries?

The Bible tells us Gideon went on to win a great victory - his people were freed from oppression, his people turned to God, and Gideon became the “ruler” over Israel and brought peace to the land in his generation. What changed this Worrier into a Warrior?  Verse 34 happened! It reads “Then the Spirit of the Lord clothed Gideon with power.”  

Luke ends his gospel recording Jesus’ words - “I am going to send you what my Father has promised, but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”  That same Spirit that transformed Gideon from Worrier to Warrior can begin transforming you!  There is a boldness; there is courage; there is a fearlessness available that could dramatically alter your life!  Consider Gideon - without the Spirit’s power, he would have remained hidden, missing out on an opportunity to change his life while impacting his entire nation.  

Take a moment - focus on your greatest worry - allow it to engulf you. Overwhelming?  Frightening?  Debilitating? It is from this “winepress” that the Holy Spirit initiates your transformation from Worrier to Warrior.  Be still, listen, and surrender. Allow Him to adjust your focus. Take courage and be obedient!  May your most formidable worry become the starting point of your next transformative victory!

Enjoy this song today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq5URsXbKXs&list=RDiq5URsXbKXs&index=1