Busy Signal

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Luke 10:38-42, Mark 4:1-20

We all hate to get a busy signal when we give someone a call. But how often does God get a busy signal when He is trying to speak to us? 

Busy…..this may be the best word to describe life prior to COVID-19. We were busy working, going to the next appointment, cooking dinner, taking our kids from lessons to ball games to play dates…busy at church, volunteering to teach the kids, singing on the worship team, getting to life group….connecting with friends and family…..life never stopped! Then COVID-19 happened. Our schedules are different; our activities are cancelled. If you are like me, this does not feel good; it does not feel normal. I feel uncomfortable with down time and feel myself wanting to fill my time with ACTIVITY -  cleaning out closets, repairing things around the house, yard work and whatever else I can find to do!

I have said to my family more than once, “This season is a gift from God – when will we have time like this again? We can’t waste it!” But what does wasting this season really look like? Is it a waste if I leave projects undone? Or is there something even more valuable I am in danger of wasting?

If we are not careful, busyness can lead us to waste what is best and exchange it for less. Busyness can ruin our joy. It leaves us exhausted and can make us resentful of all our “obligations.” Busyness distorts our priorities, and we fill our time with the urgent and not necessarily what is best and most meaningful. Busyness can rob our hearts. “The cares of the world” can distract us from what the Lord is saying and wanting to do in our lives. And busyness does NOT mean we are faithful or fruitful Christians – ouch! 

But most dangerously, busyness can cover up the sin and brokenness in our souls. How many moments of pain are wasted because we never sit still long enough to learn from them? Do we embrace all that God allows into our lives, the good and the bad, or do we numb pain and conviction with activity and busyness? Do we acknowledge when we struggle with finding meaning in life or with feeling empty? Do we take these feelings to God, our only true source of hope, or do we cover them up with distractions?

Heavenly Father, please help me to guard against busyness. Remind me of what is most important – my relationship with You. Teach me to put first things first and to say no when I need to say no. I want to be “good soil,” so help me not become distracted by the cares of this world. I admit I do not like to feel uncomfortable and often run from pain and conviction. Please forgive me when I do not listen to Your voice and instead avoid what You are trying to teach me. Please help me to be teachable and to quiet myself in Your presence. And in this season of COVID-19, help me to use the gift of less busyness wisely – to embrace it and not run from it. Lord may You never get a “busy” signal when you speak to my heart. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

* Some thoughts in this devotional are from Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung, a great read for more insight into the freedom found in the unbusy life!