It’s Me!

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Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd.  After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray. Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land.  He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. Shortly before dawn he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified. Immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed.  Mark 6:45 – 51 

Put yourself in the shoes of the disciples.  They were in the middle of a crazy storm in uncontrollable waves in pitch black darkness.  No sign of hope.  Not a star in the sky.  No time to think.  They were straining with every ounce of energy they had just to survive.  Filled with anxiety, they didn’t even recognize the Son of God who had performed countless healing miracles and fed more than 5,000 people the day before!  In fact, not only did His disciples not recognize Jesus, when they saw Him, they were terrified! They were so focused on the struggle that they perceived His presence to be evil. They didn’t see the Prince of Peace; they saw a ghost!  They were scared and desperate until they heard His voice. Jesus said, “Don’t yield to fear.  Have courage.  It’s really me—I AM!” Then Jesus got into the boat and everything changed!  Jesus calmed everything.  In a moment, everything was good.

Can you relate to the disciples?  Have you ever felt like you were straining with every ounce of energy you had and not making any progress? Has life seemed so dark at times it was hard to recount the miracles you were just rejoicing over yesterday? Have you ever been so preoccupied that you didn’t allow the presence of God to embrace you? Jesus did not hide His identity as He was walking on the water.  But to His disciples, anxiety and fear completely distorted His presence. Before the storm was even brewing, Jesus sent the disciples out in the boat without Him. He knew they would sail into a storm that would rival their emotional, spiritual and physical strength.  Even though He was on the land, Jesus “saw them straining at the oars.”  The truth is, in our humanity, we may feel isolated and abandoned in the hardest seasons of our lives. We cry, ‘Where’s God?” The reality is our fears and anxiety have distorted His Presence in our struggle. We are focused on a ghost that’s not even there - He sees us clearly whether we see Him or not.  At just the right moment, Jesus will speak to our situation and remind us “I’m Here!  It’s Me!  Everything is okay!  I’ve got this!”

In your present circumstances, are you straining and feeling drained? Is your perspective filtered by fear?  Do you see Jesus or a terrifying ghost?  Don’t feel condemned.  Peter, James and John saw a ghost too.  They had given up and felt hopeless. Shift your focus from the overwhelming storm and look for Jesus. Listen for Him. He will speak to you and say, “I’m here!  It’s Me!  Everything is going to be okay! I’ve got this.”  When you see Jesus, the power of the storm will subside, and the power of God will become your strength.  Even though the days ahead may still be difficult, Jesus takes the anxiety and hopelessness and replaces them with trust.  When He comes into your storm tossed circumstances, His presence brings security and hope and in a moment everything is calm.

Dear Heavenly Father,You are Lord. Everything and everyone belongs to You!  Remind me that You are in control of everything.  Speak to me today.  Open my ears to hear Your voice above my struggle.  Help me to see You and not focus on the storm.  Keep my heart tender and do let it be hardened.  Holy Spirit, change my perspective.  Take captive every fear and all anxiety. I trust in You.  In Jesus Name, Amen